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Vimeo Launches New “Experts” Program to Help Creators Level Up Their Careers

Do you want to become a certified “Vimeo Expert”?

If you’ve worked in film and video for any amount of time, you might have some preconceived notions about the age-old “Vimeo vs. YouTube” debate.

On one hand, you have a video hosting platform that is built to empower filmmakers with HD video and plenty of professional tools and communities. On the other hand, you have an endless sea of aspiring vloggers, streamers, and content creators opening boxes as a form of ASMR therapy.

Both are great platforms in their own rights, but looking specifically at Vimeo, we have news of another new, cool feature that might help out those of us who work in the specific niche of film and video production.

Vimeo’s New “Vimeo Experts” Program

Just unveiled, this new Vimeo Experts program looks to be a helpful new offering from Vimeo aimed at helping users (whether they be individual filmmakers or small production companies or businesses) connect with a community, level up some professional skills, and earn rewards through a new referral program.

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Author: Jourdan Aldredge
This article comes from No Film School and can be read on the original site.

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