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Cherokee Nation Has Announced $1 Million Incentive to Bring in New Film and TV Projects

Indigenous representation in front of and behind the camera matters.

The Cherokee Nation has announced a $1 million incentive geared toward bringing in film and television productions. They’ll also bring more money into the nation’s communities. There are tons of locations and experts available to every project that wants to gather additional funds,

Applications for the new film incentive will open on March 1, 2022, and you can apply through the Cherokee Nation Film Office.

There’s a yearly cap on the incentive at $1 million. There’s also a base 20% cash rebate on production costs rather than a tax rebate.

So how do you qualify? A production’s spending must take place within the boundaries of the Cherokee Nation, which is located in Northeastern Oklahoma. The state of Oklahoma has one of the top state film incentives in the country, offering projects filmed in the state a rebate of up to 38% on qualified labor, goods, and services.

You can use the Cherokee Nation Film Incentive in addition to the Oklahoma State film incentive or alone. But each incentive has its own rules that are different.

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Author: Jason Hellerman
This article comes from No Film School and can be read on the original site.

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