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What Does “The Note Behind The Note” Mean?

Getting feedback on your work is like putting together a puzzle!

Let me know if this has happened to you.

It took you a long time to finish a project. Maybe it’s a script, film, short, or web series. Once you have a finished version, you send it out to your closest friends and advisors to give you feedback. What happens is that you get a lot of useful things to revise, but sometimes you get some notes that don’t make sense.

Maybe they mention motivations you like, but they don’t, or set pieces they just think aren’t working, or maybe they tell you that you’re just… missing something. In those instances, where you’re completely lost, you have to find “the note behind the note.”

Today we’re going to go over that saying and show how you can decipher it within your own work.

What Does “The Note Behind The Note” Mean?

The “note behind the note” is an adage that means you have to understand where the note is coming from to unlock what actually needs to be changed to address the note-giver’s feelings and reaction.

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Author: Jason Hellerman
This article comes from No Film School and can be read on the original site.

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