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This Is Why You Should Appreciate the Cinematic Filmmaking of ‘Twilight’

It is time to appreciate Twilight for the indie-fantasy-film noir that it is.

Twilight took the world by storm, becoming a behemoth franchise that was both loved, hated, and criticized for its flimsy story and toxic relationships. As someone who grew up with the Twilight saga and was the target demographic of the franchise, I found myself both loving and hating the series for everything that it encapsulated about love and fantasy.

For those of you who avoided the Twilight craze or dismissed its existence, there is a clear separation from the first film to the rest of the saga in tone and direction, largely thanks to the work of Catherine Hardwicke. Hardwicke’s style breathed life into the small town and lifeless story, turning the YA fantasy novel into art.

From the blue-hued cinematography to the use of a hand-held camera, Twilight’s mise-en-scène shines through. Let’s break down why you should celebrate Hardwicke’s Twilight for its creativity rather than hold the film to the same standard as the other, much less superior films in the saga.

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Author: Alyssa Miller
This article comes from No Film School and can be read on the original site.

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