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All the Incredible Advice We Got from This Year’s Sundance Creatives

The end of Sundance doesn’t mean the end of learning. Let’s look at what we can take away from these amazing filmmakers.

Sundance 2022 has been as incredible as ever, with the fest pulling off another last-minute online platform and incredible Q&As, panels, and virtual experiences. We at No Film School have enjoyed so many films, and we hope you have too. Even if you didn’t catch all the movies this year, be sure to look through our coverage and enjoy some great conversations with writers, directors, cinematographers, and producers.

In addition to our interview coverage, we have some amazing input from dozens of filmmakers who responded to questions via email just before the fest. One of the questions we always ask is what advice these creatives have for the wonderful up-and-coming filmmakers who read No Film School. We heard back from the likes of Eva Longoria Bastón, Phyllis Nagy, Andrew Semans, Cooper Raiff, Oliver Hermanus, and many, many more.

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Author: Jo Light
This article comes from No Film School and can be read on the original site.

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