As drones fill the skies so too do videos of their antics. If shows like You’ve Been Framed have taught us anything it’s that seeing expensive things get destroyed is funny.
So seeing pricey drones getting plucked out of the air by not-so-natural predators is, as you’d imagine, great entertainment.
We’ve compiled the best drone takedown videos we’ve ever seen. From bird attacks to fishing hooks, these are some unique ways to lose a flying toy.
Eagle drone takedown
The eagle is well known as the alpha of the skies. There are very few birds that are safe flying near an eagle, and now drones have joined that endangered list.
This drone was taken out by a wedge-tailed eagle in Australia.
Chimpanzee drone takedown
This clever chimp was able to use the wonders of his opposable thumbs to wield a branch and takedown a prying drone. This happened at Burgers’ Zoo in The Netherlands where the inquisitive fellow appears to investigate the downed drone after he crashes it.
Ram drone takedown
This angry ram decides the buzzing drone in its face is too much and with a swift headbutt takes it out of the sky.
Not content with just the drone it then turns its attentions on the drone owner too. That’s one angry ram.
Shotgun drone takedown
A shotgun is going to do damage to pretty much anything it’s pointed at. This is what has happened to numerous drones that stray onto gun-toting property owners.
This video shows a test of an armoured drone being hit by a shotgun blast. It does surprisingly well. Skip to 4:43 for the shotgun action.
There’s now even special shotgun ammo that features drones on the packaging. Yup, it’s being marketed as ammo specifically for shooting down privacy-invading drones.
Kangeroo drone takedown
You’ve probably heard of boxing kangeroos before, but likely never been at the receiving end of a ‘roo punch.
This unlucky drone took a direct hit before crashing to the ground. We say unlucky but in reality it was pestering the potential boxer, so maybe it had it coming.
Drone takedown by nudists
Yup, this is an odd one. Rather than taking down the drone directly, these nudists chase the pilot off.
The pilot trying to justify himself is laughable, worth watching for that alone.
Drone takedown by a volcano
Not just one but several drones were taken down by the 1,000 degree Fahrenheit heat of a volcano.
Videos were being shot for one of kind footage of the inside of an active volcano. While plenty of great footage was captured many a drone died doing it. This is the live footage that survived.
Drone takedown by an angry gig goer
At the Bachata concert, one fan is not happy about the distraction and pounces, after quite a run, on the airborne device.
But security is there to save and avenge the drone immediately.
Skiing drone takedown
This video isn’t quite on the same lines as all the others. But it’s so outrageously close we had to include it. This shows slalom skier Marcel Hirscher narrowly avoiding a crashing drone. This is a professional camera drone so this would be heavy and as you can see from the impact it was falling fast. He’s one lucky guy.
Role-playing dude spears drone in Russia
Some sort of historical festival took place in central Russia recently, and it appears one guy who was role-playing doesn’t like drones too much. While a drone was getting some aerial shots of a group of people in costumes, he took an actual spear and chucked it at the drone, knocking it down from the sky. It’s an epic battle, to say the least.
Author: Luke Edwards
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